My list - How to travel cheap!
So, many people ask me how I can afford to travel so much since I'm a student and never had a fulltime job. I have been to mor than 50 countries in total and more than 40 of them since I turned 18.
I don't concider myself an expert but I do have some advices.
- Use lowcost airlines if possible. I'm using Ryanair & wizzair alot.
- Don't travel with alot of suitcases, I promise you that you'll only use 25% of what you bring.
- Travel to a neighboring city/country and use public transport to get to you final destination.
When I flew to Sofia in Bulgaria I booked the returnticket from Belgrade in Serbia. Instead of Paying 1600SEK I paid 350SEK both ways. Including the busticket between Sofia and Belgrade. Remember to always compare ;)
- Don't be scared to use different companies. Compare the fares by using for example: . And COMPARE COMPARE COMPARE
- Hitchhike! If you're brave! I once hitchhiked from Stockholm to northern Norway. Completely for free! I also met other hitchhikers that told me about how they hitchhiked trough the whole of Europe and from Sweden to Iran.
- I'm a huge fan of Hostels. You can find good ones for a cheap price. And honestly, you're not traveling just to stay inside the whole trip.
- Work at the hostel! Many hostels are offering free accommodaton in exchange for one/two days of working there. I have seen this in many cities. The work can be cleaning the bathrooms, working in the bar or working in the reception. This is useful when staying for a longer time.
- Stay with friends.. or with friends of friends. Maybe you know someone at the destination? Don't be afraid of asking them but be prepared that you might have to return the favour!
- Use public transport! It's often very easy and the city with the most complicated system is... Stockholm (in my opinion). Don't use taxis.
- Ask where locals are eating/shopping.
- Make your own food. you don't have to eat at the restaurant 3x/day.
- Don't be a fool! People will try to rip you off!
- Don't buy expensive tours! You can probably get it cheaper if going there by yourself! Remember to always compare different companies!
- If you live in Europe it's possible to work as a volunteer in other European countries for free (they even cover your travelcosts) Google EVS or ESC!