Uzbekistan part 3 - Samarkand

I finally arrived in Samarkand after 5h in a bus. I don't know what happened but apparently the bus didn't go all the way to the city centre, just to the airport. I left and tried to ask people how to get to the centre but no one was able to speak english. A few Maschrutkas ( minibuses) arrived and I tried to ask them about the way which ended up with 20 people discussing and arguing about how to get there. One of the busdrivers could speak a little bit of english and he offered to drive me there. the people on the bus were very curious about me and the driver enjoyed using his english. He dropped me off in front of my hostel an two men carried my suitcase to the door. In front of the hostel, the owner was waiting for me with a small gift. She was soo thankful for having guests (she lost 90% of her guests due to the fear of covid-19.) She also told e that the bus that I took probably drove 20min in the wrong direction just to drop me off. Its just one out of many examples of the friendliness of the uzbeki people.
At the hostel I found some friendly danes who had to change their asian backpackingtrip, since many countries started to close their borders, and therefore ended up in Samarkand. We decided to explore the city together. 
Registan Square
Everything is blue in Samarkand 
The famous square in Registan
A former mosque